Quick Start Guide

This guide is designed as a quick reference guide for those who are already familiar with the various tools which are in play here around Hugo, Brew, Git, VS Code.

Become a Contributor

In order to publish content to https://vmc-onboarding.com you will need to be added as a contributor to this repository https://github.com/bohleadam/vmc-onboarding as this is the repository which is used to build the website. Please reach out to the owner of this repository to be approved and added as a contributor.

Install Hugo

MacOS Hugo Instructions

brew install hugo

Windows Hugo Instructions

If you are on a Windows machine and use Chocolatey for package management, you can install Hugo with the following one-liner:

choco install hugo-extended -confirm

Install Git

If you do not have git installed locally on your computer, please follow these simple instructions to install the git command line tools

MacOS Git Instructions

brew install git

Windows Git Instructions

On Windows you can download Git and follow the instructions to get up and running.

Install Visual Studio Code

VS code is very straight forward to install, simply navigate to Visual Studio Code and you can download the binaries from the landing page, VS code is available for Mac, Windows and Linux OSs.

Install Visual Studio Code Extensions

Markdown All in One

Dictionary Completion

Code Spell Checker

Cloning the repository and getting starting ready to contribute

git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 https://github.com/bohleadam/vmc-onboarding.git

Change into the cloned repository directory

cd vmc-onboarding

Run the following command to preview the site locally

hugo server

Navigate to http://localhost:1313 to preview the site.

Commit changes and updates to the Repository

git commit -a -m "My change message"

Push changes and updates to the Repository

git push origin master

NOTE: If you enabled 2 factor Auth in your Github account you will need to create an access token to login

See here: https://help.github.com/en/github/authenticating-to-github/creating-a-personal-access-token-for-the-command-line

Last modified November 9, 2022: Updated verbage (6b0a132)