Deploy SDDC

How to connect to your AWS account and deploy your SDDC


In this guide we will be deploying your VMware SDDC to Amazon



  • You have purchased a VMware Cloud on AWS Subscription
  • A MyVMware account created and you have completed the following: On-Boarding Checklist

Login to the VMware Cloud Services Portal

With the AWS Console open and logged in from previous step open a new tab to

Login to VMC

Select the VMware Cloud on AWS Service

Select VMC

Click to Create SDDC

Create New SDDC

Enter SDDC Properties

  1. Select the region where you created the VPC in earlier
  2. Select Multi-Host
  3. Enter a display name for your SDDC (NOTE: this is just a display name, not the cluster or vCenter name)
  4. Select the number of hosts you want
  5. Click Next

Enter SDDC Properties

Click to open the AWS Console with CloudFormation Template

Open AWS Console

Run the Cloud Formation Template

  1. Check box to acknowledge
  2. Click Create

Run CloudFormation

Close the AWS Console

Few, were all done with the AWS side for now!

Close AWS Console

Click next

It may take up to 10 minutes to complete before you can click next

Connect AWS Account

Enter VPC and Subnet

  1. Select the VPC we created in the previous guide
  2. Select a subnet, choose the same AZ if you intened to connect to EC2 instances in that VPC
  3. Click Next

VPC and Subnet

Configure Management Network

  1. Enter a CIDR block for the management components i.e vCenter, esxi hosts, NSX Manager, etc.
  2. Click Next

Management Network

Agree and Deploy

  1. Check mark you agree to charges
  2. Check mark you understand pricing
  3. Click Deploy SDDC

Agree and Deploy

Deploying SDDC

This can take up to 2 hours, take a break or go take a VMware Hands on Lab !

Deploying SDDC

SDDC Deployed

Congratulations, you just deployed your first SDDC!

SDDC Deployed

Now let’s get your SDDC Connected

Follow the next steps to: Connect your SDDC

Last modified August 26, 2020: Update (d685258)